Posts tagged pancreatic cancer
Give More Than You Take

A recent dinner conversation inspired me to share these thoughts with you. Lovely friends, Kelly and Harry, had just returned from touring the house they were moving to in a few days. On several occasions, the owners graced them with detailed descriptions of the fabulous furniture, accessories and art that would now be in their new living space. The husband had previously regaled them with fascinating stories of the history and provenance of the priceless works of art – valuable antiques, a Baccarat chandelier, precious rugs, art dating back centuries – all museum quality. The wife would describe how these were acquired, the rarity and value, which in some ways, was daunting!

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Women Supporting Women, There's Nothing Better

I have struggled writing this blog, finding it impossible to finish a thought with tears welling up and at times, completely incapable of writing. I have a catalog of strong emotions when I think about my girlfriends and what they have given me. We know that a single event cannot only shape your life, but illuminate it. Being told I have pancreatic cancer did both of these for me. 

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The Most Important Day Of The Year: World Pancreatic Cancer Day

World Pancreatic Cancer Day is November 16th. Eleven years ago, this would not have been noteworthy me to. I barely knew the role of the pancreas and no one in my world had been affected by the disease. About 1.5 years before my first distinct symptom of pancreatic cancer, on a whim, I decided (and did) participate in a 100 mile bike ride in the mountains of Aspen. It is only eleven years later that would I realize the significance of this crazy adventure.

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How A Gratitude Journal Kept Me Going

I was recently thinking back on a very low point in my cancer journey.  Every little undertaking seemed monumental.  Everyday things I took for granted that were performed with energy, enthusiasm and often with little effort, were now overwhelming.  My road to recovery was not a straightforward path, in fact there was nothing encouraging about it at all.  

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A Man I Call ‘Dr. Evil’...Who Is Anything But!

I was at a stage in my life where I had to be fearlessly and relentlessly true to myself.  I barely knew what the pancreas did when I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2006.  I was overcome with shock, fear and so many unanswered questions...what do I do next? These emotions consumed every part of my being. Overwhelmed and terrified does not begin to describe what I was feeling.

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Getting To Know The New Me

It is Friday, July 21st, day one of my recovery from two abdominal surgeries on July 11th and the Whipple surgery on July 14th.  I thought I would be confined to a bed, as movement of any kind was a monumental effort.  I experienced a lack of appetite for the first time in my life, sleep eluded me and boredom was this ominous cloud that hung over me.  I was restless, feeling drab, insufferably exhausted and in unbearable pain.  How could just walking to the next room take everything out of me?

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